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Blessings From Thailand

Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost. ~ Erol Ozan

Amazing how time flies. Here we are its 2020! I think most everyone I have talked to is astonished at the trajectory in which this past year has gone by. 2019 and I was immersed in the exploration of this magical Asian country. I still have the red bracelet clinging to my wrist I received from a Buddhist monk in a Cambodian temple. That sucker will not fall off.

Blessings. ✨

I’ve always loved travel but could never be a true gypsy as I love the comforts of home. Being home. Wrapped under a blanket with candles burning. Friends, my animals, the absolute beauty of where I live. The ease of which we have here living in the States as opposed to other places in the world.

Blessings. ✨

The highways of my life keep on revealing new horizons, new paths, undiscovered places. Driving into the unknown with my eyes on what’s in front of me, with the rear view mirror torn off. There’s no going back.

Blessings. ✨

Thank you my Loves for the biggest heartbreak became the greatest lesson which in turn helped me become the woman I am. Through the pain are the -

Blessings ✨

I’ve learned to look for them. They are everywhere. - Who knows what tomorrow brings, but with trust in the unseen and a knowing and reverence of Self, There can only be -

Blessings. ✨✨

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